B-65 Hastsal Vihar Uttam Nagar New Delhi-110059
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Students from 1 to 8 are taught in this school. This school has approximately 584 as student strength. It has a library as well with over 1500 books.

The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. 100% from this school qualified the examination and out of those, 100% scored first grade with flying colors.

Affiliated to: CBSE
Phone No: 9810648124
Website : NA
  • Mon – Sat
    8:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Sun
    Closed – Closed
Welcome to Vasundhara Public School

Years have been sped by and it seems like yesterday that enthusiastic learners crossed the threshold of Vasundhara Public School, Ever since, The school stands committed to provide a healthy, pollution free environment to its student and also commits itself exciting new way, encouragement, information and stimulation that they require to blossom into balanced individuals. Today, look back with satisfaction and delight seeing the extremely rewarding and successful progress.

The infrastructure of the school provides amenities required in the present days’ challenging academic environment. Besides a child-friendly orientation of the curriculum, we’ve always laid great emphasis on co-curricular activities. A great thrust is being given to develop the sporting abilities of the students . Care is taken to nurture children so that when they leave the portals of our school, they are enlightened and liberated individuals, not just ready to cope with life, but to create better life. We’ve embarked on the journey, and a lot more has to be achieved.

Everything has its wonders,even(Red) darkness and silence,and I learn,whatever state I may be in,there in to be content.”
Helen Keller

Dear parents,
Have you ever tried to find out what is the true meaning of tends to associate success with all the physical possessions and achievements in life.This could be due to the social conditions of an individual,right from childhood.It is true that the way to success is full of thorns,but as the principal of this esteemed institution.I assure your child to provide a easy way to success.
The institue is trying to cope up with the modem technology.we have covered half of way the path of helping childeren to achieve success by installing abacus & educom classes in our insitute. I pray that almighty guide you to find true happiness within. Our dream can only be accomplished with your help.

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