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Further shall not be fraudulent, misrepresenting, misleading or pertain to the sale of any illegal, counterfeit, stolen goods and or services which do not belong to you or you do not have the authority for. Further still shall not infringe any intellectual property, trade secret, or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy of any third party.Shall not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots, easter eggs or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information.Shall not be allowed to libel anyone or include hate, derogatory, slanderous speech directed at individuals or groups. 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(An example of such classifieds relating to an item not normally permitted would be a classified for the sale of a vibrator). Please also be aware that titles with graphic adult language are inappropriate, regardless of the item contained in the listing itself.3.Details to be provided by the Seller:Contractual information pertaining to the goods, if any.Total price of any good or service, along with the breakup price for the good or service, showing all the compulsory and voluntary charges and the applicable tax.All mandatory notices and information provided by applicable laws, and the expiry date of the good being offered for sale, where applicable.All relevant details about the goods and services offered including country of originThe name and contact numbers, and designation of the grievance officer of the SellerName and details of importer in case of imported goods, and guarantees related to the authenticity or genuineness of the imported productsTerms of exchange, returns, and refund including information related to costs of return shipping.Relevant details related to delivery and shipment of such goods or services.Any relevant guarantees or warranties applicable to such goods or services.Whether registered entityPhysical addressRating/aggregated feedbackContent is consistent with the actual characteristic, features of goods and services.4.Consequences of Breach of Listing PolicyUsers who violate the prohibited items policy and or the restricted items policy may be subject to the following actionsSuspension or termination of membership.Permanent blocking of access to the site.Reporting to Law Enforcement or Appropriate Authorities.Action will be taken in accordance with the Terms of Use.