Saini Vihar, Block E, Lakshmi Park, Nangloi, New Delhi, Delhi 110041
Service options:

Students from 1 to 12 are taught in this school. This school has approximately 743 as student strength. It has a library as well with over 6953 books.

Affiliated to: CBSE
Phone No: 01125947725
Website : NA
  • Mon – Sat
    7:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • Sun
    Closed – Closed

About CRSPS, Saini Vihar

C R Saini Public School also known as CRSPS. The school was established in 1988. C R Saini Public School is a Co-Ed school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) . It is managed by C. R. Saini Educational society.

C. R. Saini Sr. Sec. Public School is located in Nangloi, Delhi. There are 23 dedicated and professional faculty members who impart quality education to children in this CBSE school.

C. R. Saini Sr. Sec. Public School was launched in 1996. English is the primary medium of instruction for this school with Hindi as secondary medium. and the student teacher ratio is 32:1. The school tries to provide best learning environment.

Students from 1 to 12 are taught in this school. This school has approximately 743 as student strength. It has a library as well with over 6953 books.

The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. More than 96% qualify examination with 71% scoring first grade.

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