Lovely Public Senior Secondary School also known as LPS. The school was established in 1950. Lovely Public Senior Secondary School is a Co-Ed school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) . It is managed by Lovely Bal Shiksha Parishad.
From a humble beginning in 1966, as a small school to its present glorious stage, Lovely Public Sr. Secondary School, Newlayalpur, Delhi has come a long way. The hard work, dedication enthusiasm, commitment and quality have shaped our present well. It was born out of pioneering efforts of an ideal thinker Shri R.P. Malik, its founder Chairman, dedicated to the cause of education. Considering education – “A Real Treasurer”.
Education is a treasure that can never be robbed. It is a pleasure that can never be possessed and ultimately succeed in life. The development of education and educational opportunities is built on creativity tempered by knowledge and wisdom gain through the experience of learning. His vision, reaction and adaption to failure inspired everyone in lot of ways. He never stopped working and dreaming just because of failure instead he worked harder.